The Reporter covers Miller, Morgan and Camden County in Central Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks and is published once per week on Wednesdays.


Published March 13, 2019

10 winners in Fringe and Friends in Blue contest

OSAGE BEACH - On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 and Thursday, February 14, 2019, officers from the Osage Beach Police Department awarded the 10 winners from the Fringe and Friends in Blue Writing Contest with certificates to a free haircut & style or a shampoo & style at Fringe Salon & Spa.

What began as a “I would love to work with you!” conversation between Tiphni Sullivan from Fringe Salon and Spa in Osage Beach and Dililexie Morley, the Community Services Coordinator for the Osage Beach Police Department, turned into an innovative 4th grade writing contest called Fringe and Friends in Blue.

After her conversation with Tiphni, Morley thought of and submitted a proposal for a new event.

“She did not want it to be something she worked on by herself; she wanted it to be something that included everyone in the department and the community” a spokesman said. “With the help of Officer Lowe, Fringe Salon & Spa, principals, teachers and fourth grade students at Osage Beach Elementary and School of the Osage Upper Elementary, Fringe and Friends in Blue evolved into something gratifying. Something that allowed people to work together to build bonds and strengthen relationships as well as have students practice the writing process while expressing their love and admiration towards their heroes.”

In December 2018, 132 essays were submitted by 4th grade students from both schools about who they admired and why they deserved a makeover.

“Students wrote so beautifully, they made it extremely hard for the six judges to choose winners,” said the spokesman.

Tiphni and her staff made it possible for 10 winners to be awarded and for all other 122 nominees to receive a coupon for a future visit.

Fringe Salon & Spa and the Osage Beach Police Department are hoping to provide this contest every year and to continue to build bonds.

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