The Reporter covers Miller, Morgan and Camden County in Central Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks and is published once per week on Wednesdays.


Published December 4, 2013

Survey: MO seat belt use is a primary problem


JEFFERSON CITY – Seat belts save lives. A recent survey of Missouri motorists show that more Missourian’s are getting the message.

However, statewide seat belt usage remains stagnant 79 percent for the general public and increased just one percent among teenagers from 66 to 67 percent.

The nationwide average is 85 percent. Law enforcement agencies statewide participated in a quarterly Occupant Protection Enforcement on Nov. 25 to increase seat belt use and reduce highway fatalities.

Law enforcement took a zero tolerance approach in the enforcement of seat belt and child restraint laws during this campaign.
“Saving lives is what it’s all about, and seat belts are such an easy way to prevent tragedy, suffering, and grief associated with disabling or fatal traffic crashes,” said Leanna Depue, chair of the executive committee of the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety. “This type of campaign and enforcement effort is just one method used to heighten awareness about the importance of wearing a seat belt.”

Other strategies used to increase Missouri seat belt use include using portable message boards to post messages about fatalities and seat belt citations; partnering with high schools and large employers to get them to adopt seat belt policies; assisting cities in passing a primary seat belt ordinance within their city limits; and providing incentives to positively reinforce wearing a seat belt.

As of November 17, of the 668 fatalities in Missouri this year, 62 percent of those killed were unrestrained.
For more information on highway safety, go to

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