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City starts new year, new budget with spending
OSAGE BEACH – Since it’s the beginning of the year and a new budget has taken over that means time to spend money, which was the major issue addressed at last Thursday’s Board of Aldermen meeting.
Most of the issues were for the Public Works Department so their Christmas present came in January.
These service bodies (to be purchased from Knapheide Truck Equipment Center) will be mounted on the two service trucks the city uses that were purchased in the summer of 2024.
One of the beds (the sewer bed) is more expensive because of the crane required to pull and load sewer pumps.
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Local cities announce candidates for April election
LAKE OF THE OZARKS – Filing has ended for those wishing to hold a local office in one of the cities and there are some challengers to certain positions and some familiar names.
Lake Ozark
Johnnie Franzeskos seemingly never-ending quest to regain the office of Mayor will be brought to the people again.
In 2019 Franzeskos lost the position of Mayor to then Aldermen Gerry Murawski who beat him with 146 votes to 111 for Franzeskos.
In 2021 Franzeskos challenged Murawski for the job and both lost to a write-in candidate, Dennis Newberry.
Newberry received 241 votes with Franzeskos getting 105 votes and Murawski gathering 101.
In 2023 Franzeskos tried to get his job back from Newberry and lost again.
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MORGAN COUNTY – Motorists will have to continue using caution as roadwork on Highway 52 will be continuing for quite a while.
Construction crews, working with the Missouri Department of Transportation, will begin with widening the road from Fairgrounds Road to the intersection with Missouri Route 5 and anticipate roundabout construction to take place in the spring or summer.
Crews were scheduled to be onsite starting January 6 with limited traffic impacts the first week.
Daytime single lane closures are anticipated to begin Monday, January 13. These closures will take place along short segments of Route 52 between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for approximately three months.
One lane will remain open and flaggers will guide motorists through the work zone.
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State park trail transformed by NCCC
LAKE OF THE OZARKS - A popular trail at Lake of the Ozarks State Park has undergone a significant transformation thanks to the work of a team from the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC).
After five weeks of work, the NCCC team has completed major improvements to all 14 miles of the Trail of Four Winds, including rerouting a section, widening the width and height of portions of the trail, and enhancing areas to create a better user experience and improved environmental impact.
The team of eight was deployed in November from the NCCC Southwest Region based in Colorado. Their last day of work on the trail was December 13.
The team was awarded to Osage Beach non-profit Branches for the Lake (B4TL) and the Lake of the Ozarks State Park after the agencies partnered to be considered for the program.
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