The Reporter covers Miller, Morgan and Camden County in Central Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks and is published once per week on Wednesdays.


Published January 8, 2025

Roundabout coming to Hwy 52

MORGAN COUNTY – Motorists will have to continue using caution as roadwork on Highway 52 will be continuing for quite a while.

Construction crews, working with the Missouri Department of Transportation, will begin with widening the road from Fairgrounds Road to the intersection with Missouri Route 5 and anticipate roundabout construction to take place in the spring or summer. 

Crews were scheduled to be onsite starting January 6 with limited traffic impacts the first week.

Daytime single lane closures are anticipated to begin Monday, January 13. These closures will take place along short segments of Route 52 between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for approximately three months.

One lane will remain open and flaggers will guide motorists through the work zone. 

All work is weather-permitting and subject to change.

This project includes expanding Route 52 to three lanes (providing one lane of travel in each direction with a shared center turn lane), replacing existing culverts with larger structures to address flooding concerns and removing the signal at the Route 5/52 junction and installing a roundabout.

The most up-to-date traffic restrictions and information about the ongoing work in Versailles can be found at

MoDOT asks all motorists to work with them by buckling up, putting your phone down, obeying all traffic signs, and slowing down and moving over in work zones. 

Motorists are advised to use extra caution through work zones, obey all traffic signs, and avoid any distractions.

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